Tips and Tools

5 ways to digitally declutter your small business for spring cleaning

by Plume Team

May 2022
woman and man working in garden shop

We know it's tempting to "set and forget" the technology you use every day for your small business. After all, you've got more important things on your mind—including a seemingly endless to-do list. So, we forgive you for those dusty second screens, cluttered virtual desktops, and sluggish WiFi signals. But if you're looking for a fresh start this season, there's nothing like a tech reset to keep your business running like the well-oiled machine it is. Here are a few tips for spring cleaning your small business's technology—including your WiFi.

Clean those screens—and hit reset on your router

While wiping that layer of dust off your screens, don't neglect out-of-sight devices—like your WiFi router. And don't forget about the cobwebs you can't see! If you're looking to give your WiFi a refresh, simply turning your router off and on again can jumpstart your signal to function more effectively.

Rearrange your space for an optimal signal

Adding a little feng shui to your home office can help you feel more productive. And you've put a lot of thought into your office or small business's brick-and-mortar layout. But you may want to consider a few small design changes if you're noticing WiFi dead zones around your workspace. This may be a sign that your router needs a new location or that something else is interfering with its signal. For example, metal filing cabinets can slow down—or even stop—a signal in its tracks. Finding an optimal spot for your router—somewhere up high, with a clear sightline to your devices—is a small move that can make a big difference.

Locate less-obvious sources of signal interference

Most of today's WiFi routers are dual-band, meaning they can operate on two different channels: 2.5GHz and 5GHz. These channels work a little like two-way highways. But sometimes, too much traffic (say, from neighbors’ WiFi signal interference) can slow down your network performance. Play around with the channel to figure out which one works best for your space. You may also want to seek out and reposition other sources of possible WiFi signal interference—for instance, microwaves, smart security systems, or other devices that rely on radio waves. However, upgrading to a solution that adapts to your needs and environment means never having to figure out how to check WiFi signal interference levels or manage channels manually ever again. Plume's WorkPass is an all-in-one adaptive solution that automatically adjusts to your WiFi usage patterns and the layout of your space.

Amp up your security

If you've been procrastinating on all those software updates, now's your chance to get up to speed. While you're at it, consider an audit of your WiFi protections. Do you have dozens of devices you don't recognize connected to your network? The more people mooching off your WiFi, the slower it's likely to be; those unrecognized devices will also make your network more vulnerable. A smart solution like WorkPass provides enterprise-grade, AI-driven security baked into its design—and it stays one step ahead of security threats so you don't have to worry about bad actors (or sneaky next-door neighbors).

Give your WiFi usernames and passwords a refresh

If you're still operating with the WiFi username and password that came on your router box, it's high time to personalize and streamline those logins. Make sure you choose a memorable password that's strong enough to pass muster. And if you’re using a network solution that allows you to segment business-critical, employee and customer access (highly recommended), be sure those networks are aptly named and protected, too. Freshening up your workspace is about more than lighting a scented candle and straightening up piles of paperwork. While you're in the spring cleaning zone this year, don't forget to give your tech (including your WiFi!) a little TLC. The simple steps above can help you tick through those hefty to-do tasks as efficiently as possible.